Here are just some of the basic aspects, but more can certainly be considered when it comes to your Health and Safety.
1. Working Environment
– Proper and adequate ventilation?
– Sufficient lighting?
– Are security systems (CCTV cameras, radios, alarms) in place and working?
– Enough working space for all employees?
– Are floors and floor coverings, e.g. carpets, in good condition?
– Are walkways free from foreseeable trip/slip hazards?
– Is fire equipment available, serviced and in working order?
– Are emergency exits available and easily accessible?
– Are all important and legally required signs available in your workplace?
– Are they compliant with the SANS standards and in the correct position? (E.g. emergency
exit, first aid kit location, prohibited areas etc.)
2. Electricity Safety
– Is access to electrical system restricted to authorised persons?
– Are plugs and leads in good condition?
– Are socket outlets at least 1m away from running water?
3. Health and Hospitality
– Is there an easily accessible and adequately stocked first aid boxes?
– Are there suitable and sufficient toilet facilities?
– Are suitable washing facilities available?
4. Working Equipment / Resources
– Is all working equipment/machinery in a safe and sound manner?
– Is machinery security features (guards, sensors) in place and working condition?
– Is the Personal Protective Equipment being used of the required standards?
– Is excess PPE available for any visitors who may require to enter into hazardous areas in
your premises?
5. Employees
– Are employees adequately trained on health and safety in the workplace, training in
aspects like fire drills and emergency preparedness
– Do employees know the location of emergency services (first aid, fire equipment, alarms
6. Other aspects
– Are wall mounted fixtures, shelving, furniture etc. in good condition and secure?
– Is storage of small quantities of flammable/hazardous substances suitable?
– Are all parts of the building maintained in a clean and tidy condition?